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About BuyAssist and National Affordable Housing

Our Story

We want to help Australians achieve their housing goals in a socially responsible way.

BuyAssist is making home ownership a reality, providing real options to thousands of potential home buyers Australia-wide. With 700,000+ more Australians renting now than there were 20 years ago, we are bridging the gap — making home ownership more affordable and attainable without the need for a deposit or Lenders Mortgage Insurance.

Buy Assist Australia Pty Ltd (‘BuyAssist’) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Affordable Housing. Together we believe that smart investment in social and affordable housing pathways creates greater balance in the housing market as we strive to develop sustainable, connected and prosperous communities. Pathways to affordable homeownership is part of our vision for a diverse, sustainable and affordable housing system.

Our Journey

In 2014, National Affordable Housing began the development of an innovative, socially responsibly driven and affordable home ownership model, evolving as National Affordable Housing consulted with banks, governments and community organisations.

As a result, BuyAssist was established by National Affordable Housing in 2016 to provide a fully-licensed platform for the implementation of our innovative shared equity homebuyer program, including to support direct and third-party investment.

The BuyAssist home buyer program is similar to shared equity arrangements that have operated successfully overseas and in some parts of Australia. We support lower to moderate income earners* that aspire to become a homeowner but don’t have a sufficient deposit to achieve their homebuyer dream through the sourcing and application of socially driven investment.  This equity support removes the need for a deposit or Lenders Mortgage Insurance – making home ownership more attainable and affordable for more people.

While National Affordable Housing and BuyAssist work closely with governments, we are non-government organisations. Households that buy their own home through BuyAssist may however be eligible for government homebuyer first home owner grants or subsidies.  

Importantly, BuyAssist is not shared ownership or rent-to-buy; the home buyer owns 100% of the property and enjoys all the benefits of owning their own home.  When the equity support is no longer required and is repaid, we reinvest it to support a new homebuyer.

Together National Affordable Housing, BuyAssist and our partners have supported over 110 households to buy their own home with no deposit. Are you are next BuyAssist homebuyer?

*Income eligibility varies depending on household size, interest rates and borrowing capacity, and house prices. Contact us to discuss.

Home buyer support
Homebuyers We're Helping
VIC Program Settlements
Listed Properties

Our Team

We are a team of experienced finance, real estate and business development experts.


Program manager

Kate oversees the program and is the key point of contact for our partner network.


Client Services Manager

Lyndsey liaises with agents and developers, and works with you to match you to financing partners and a property.


Support Officer

Trish is your first point of contact after registration. Trish will answer your questions and help determine your eligibility.

"We provide access to independent advice — we are open, honest, and consistent as we help people on their home ownership journey. By working with our trusted partners, we reduce both the upfront and ongoing financial burden for eligible buyers, helping them get into their own home sooner."
BuyAssist Client Services Manager

What We Do

Assist Homebuyers

BuyAssist offers financial support for eligible individuals, couples and families to purchase a newly built property. We help eligible homebuyers qualify for a home loan with NO DEPOSIT needed.

Build Partner Networks

We work with Developers, Agents, Investors and Government to help Australians achieve their housing goals in a socially responsible way.


Our Happy Clients

"I think it would have taken me the better part of the next decade to save up a deposit. Working with BuyAssist was really easy and straightforward, and everyone was really helpful answering my questions."
New Homeowner via BuyAssist
"I wanted the stability of being in my own property. Renting was fine but it's dead money. You're paying off someone else's mortgage. I came across BuyAssist on Facebook. Anyone who thinks BuyAssist is too good to be true, it’s actually not. It’s the real deal."
BuyAssist Homeowner